Sunday, March 25, 2012

spider tattoos designs

Whatever you chose, the choice is ultimately yours. Look around the internet for different ideas and print some of your favorites out. You can then bring your favorites to your local tattoo artist for customization. Just think of what you want your spider tattoo to represent. The color, style and size can reveal your inner character or struggle. Make sure it is about you, though. This is your tattoo. It’s your representation of this time in your life. Make it count. 

The spider tattoo represent struggle. The web represents bars. Maybe a person thinking about a spider tattoo is struggling with a certain aspect of their life. It can also represent danger; a person should keep distance from them. It is a warning to others. Spiders are predators. The person considering a spider tattoo may view themselves as a predator and want to warn others to stay away from them. It may be a form of alienation.
Spider tattoos are easily customizable. From color, shape, type, and style they can be personalized for each individual. Some may want to have their spider tattoo done in their favorite color, or their birthstone color or a color that represents a certain time in their life. Some may choose a color for what the color represents, like red can mean passion, or green can mean envy. Whatever color you chose, the choice will most likely be very personal. The size is also another way to customize a spider tattoo. Generally if you chose to place a spider tattoo on your back the spider tattoo will be much larger than if you place it on the wrist or ankle. You can also make a great statement by making it larger.
The type of spider can also hold meaning. If choosing a black widow- there are multiple interpretations one can get from it. Maybe you have resentments towards men- this would be a great spider for you then. This is just one example but there are hundreds of types of spiders to choose from. You can also decide if you want your spider tattoo on a web or not on a web. If you are struggling with some aspect of your life you may want to depict your spider with the web versus without the web. Also, look on the internet when you decide where you would like to place your spider, especially if you want a spider web. Placing spider web on certain areas can mean multiple things like jail time or gang affiliations.

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